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  Coverage Includes
Routine Eye Exam 100%
Frequency Every 12 months
Eyeglass Frames Up to $170
Frequency Every 24 months
Eyeglass Lenses Single Vision – Up to $75
Bifocal Lenses – Up to $100
Trifocal Lenses – Up to $125 
Frequency Every 12 months
Contact Lenses You have the option of contacts OR frames/lenses per calendar year.  
Frequency Every 12 months
Elective Conventional Up to $150
Frequency Every 12 months
Elective Disposable Up to $150
Frequency Every 12 months
Non-elective (medically necessary) Up to $400
Frequency Every 12 months
Employee Level Monthly
Single $20.92
Family $52.20

Dependents can be covered until the end of the month in which they reach age 26. A dependent is not required to be a student; they can be married or have a job that offers insurance. If the dependent is your child, that dependent can remain covered to the age of 26.


Under this vision plan, you do not need to choose a vision care provider from a network. You can go to any provider you choose.